2023 12 04 Cyntegrity …
Cyntegrity has tasked me with a monitoring project which hasn’t been completed until now. Here’s the progress so far and the road blockers that have stopped me from getting ahead in this project. Current State of the World: As per the Person responsible for IT. This is the current state: …
Securing Google maps API
If you’ve ever dabbled with Google Maps API, you know it’s not exactly easy on the pocket. But the cost isn’t the only thing you should be mindful of. It’s equally crucial to ensure that your API keys are kept safe and sound, so you can enjoy all its features without any …
Monitoring is pain!
I am tasked with creating a monitoring platform for an existing SaaS application that is deployed on Azure. I can’t help but say that monitoring is a pain somewhere. The amount of available options for monitoring out there is humbling! Here, I try to document my journey, maybe is will be …